Should the legal drinking age be lowered to 18?
“Young people who start
drinking before age 15 are significantly more likely to develop alcohol use
disorders as adults that those who wait until after age 18, but researchers are
not sure if early onset drinking is a marker for higher risk or a direct risk
“You would expect this
to be an easy question to answer. But that is not the case. Most of us have
some idea of what happens when an adult is arrested for drunk driving, but it
is much more complicated when the person in under 21”...
“Today, the average age
an American girl has her first drink is 13; for a boy, it's 11”...
Of teens surveyed 100%
said no is good to drink at an early age? They
all said that drinking at
an early age causes many problems to
your health and education.
Why is the reason you
drink alcohol? To escape from the
What happens when you take alcohol? I
feel free without worries.
What is reason for you drinking at an early age? I feel
What are you winning whit drinking? I
feel better.
What age did you start drinking? 14 years
You have caught drunk?
You handle when you
drink alcohol? Only my
Once you hit when
you drive drunk? I never
hit me.
Happens to you when the
cops catch you driving drunk? Make alcohol
breath test.
You regret having started
taking alcohol? Yes because is more problems.
Question about
your topic
1: “That's
what happens to your body
when you drink alcohol? The obvious
answers are that
increase your ability
to socialize, you feel more
relaxed, you turn
red, you laugh more, have
more confidence. But
alcohol also may
affect your judgment, your motor
skills, make you vomit and have nausea”.
When you drive drunk you
get when you bite into that
arrested for DUI is
an experience that most of
us try to avoid. In
connection with his arrest on
charges of driving while impaired, probably will
be searched by the police, his
car will be towed and
you will be taken to jail where
they will be "signed." You
may be placed on a "Drunk Tank"
along with others
arrested for being incapacitated by
alcohol or drugs. Despite being
under the influence of alcohol, try to be as
polite and calm as
possible. They can let
him out of jail within
a few hours after
his arrest, either by depositing a bond
or "at your own risk." Otherwise,
you can ask the judge to
release him on their first
hearing. Call an
attorney immediately or get a friend
or family member to
help you in this regard. The
attorney can guide you through the court process and assist
you with any hearings
related to DMV may
be required. You will not have only that tartar with criminal
sanctions, but with the
suspension of your driver's license and
possible lawsuits if someone
is injured in connection with their
management while intoxicated.”
3: What
if drinking early? “This
study aims to establish the prevalence of alcohol consumption in
a group of young students, determining the sex
and age of first use, the
type of drink, who came to drunkenness, if
they know the harmful effects of
alcohol and the association between
the consumption of cigarettes and alcohol.”
did you learned? What I learned was to
take a young age causes
many problems both your health and
society and never drive drunk.
do you think is the best solution? The best solution is that
parents do not leave their children with
bad companies always watch
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